How do us and china navigate their relationships and strategic interest over South Asia?

South Asia is a very important region in every aspect. A region is very important because of its geography, culture, and resources. Historically, this region and its people have suffered a lot. In the late 18th century, this region became a victim of British colonialism, and then in the 19th century, when it gained independence from British colonialism, this region came under the influence of the world’s major powers. The total interference of the USA and China and their rivalry is completely destroying the peace and tranquility in this region. In today’s era, these two countries are the great powers of the world. 

On the one hand, the USA is interfering in South Asia through its politics to increase its influence and maintain its power, and on the other hand, China, which is the second-largest economic power in the world, is also trying to gain control of the region through its trade. That is why this region is still suffering from various problems. The special reason for this is the geographical importance of this region, its natural resources, its geopolitical importance, and its large population. 

Asia is the largest continent in the world, and now this region attracts China due to its large population. Because China is increasing its power in the world through its trade, South Asia is a huge and open market for China. For which China has engaged this region through various trade agreements like CPEC, etc., so that China can complete its BRI project. On the other hand, America is making various policies and political plans to stop China and prevent its power from growing. So that the hegemony of the United States is maintained. For which America is providing diplomatically and politically different agreements and aid to India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and other South Asian countries. 

 The comparative politics of these two great powers are having an impact on the entire region. Another major reason for these two powers to intervene in this region is to gain control over the Indian Ocean. The Indian Ocean contains the world’s major critical crossroads, through which the entire world’s trade takes place. Like the strait of Malacca, the straight of Harmouz, the Suez Canal, etc. If their control remains with them, their hegemony can be maintained in the global system.

Nuclear power is another major cause of instability in this region. Because two nuclear powers are present in this region, which is a great threat to the peace and tranquility of this region. Pakistan and India have many conflicts with each other, and both of them are neighboring countries as well as nuclear powers. China is also a nuclear power, which is a threat to the whole world. That is why the eyes of the whole world are always on this region. All these things are directly affecting this region and its people. That is why the economy and people here are getting poorer, and this region is not going towards development. The solution is to ask these powers to completely end their engagement. And this region should be free and given its status so that it can progress towards development. This region should settle its conflicts and establish bilateral relations so that stability will come to the region.

Another important thing is that to stabilize this region, Pakistan and India will have to negotiate first because both of them are major and important countries in this region. India is the fourth largest economy in the world, and Pakistan is also a very important country in terms of its geography, strategy, culture, and population. So, they have to build peaceful relations. All the disputes and problems going on between them have to be solved. Apart from this, all the South Asian countries have to make mutual relations pleasant. They have to restore each other’s trade so that all the countries in the region have good relations with each other. However, no matter how big the world’s powers are—the US and China—they will not be able to penetrate into this region, nor will they be able to increase their influence. Similarly, prosperity can come to this region, and this region can move towards development.

The writer is a student of “IR” at “IIUI” and a member of PYDIR.

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