How Emerging Technologies are Reshaping Peace and Security

Traditional Peace and Security:

To understand the impact of emerging technologies in shaping the peace and security, we should know about the traditional peace and security. For this purpose we should try to understand them in different dynamics like literatures, concepts of various thinkers and historical backgrounds. Here some definitions are mentioned of different thinkers like, “John Galtung and Seminal” According to John Galtung peace can be understand in both positive and negative terms. Positive peace refers to the presence of justice, equality and harmony within societies, while Negative peace refers to the absence of violence or direct conflict.

Beside it, Peace is defined by Seminal in the “Anatomy of peace” where he distinguished between Militant peace and Pacifist peace. Militant peace emphasizes the use of force and power to implements or follows its policies. While the Pacifist peace is totally differ from Militant peace where Pacifist peace advocates for nonviolent strategies, such as diplomacy, dialogue to establish peace and prosperity. In past militants peace was used in various era to impose its strategies but the periods of times converts it into Pacifist peace, like diplomacy, negotiations and dialogue

Modern Era:

The digital technological equipment are changing the daily life over the past decade, providing new opportunities for global communication, business, easiest and cheapest governmental decisions and giving services cross border. But the same technologies have also been created political tensions, enforced new restrictions on speech, and globally interferences.  This briefing provides an overview of both positive and negative effects of emerging technologies, like social media, cell phones, satellite pictures, aerial vehicles, television and artificial intelligence to promote peace and security.

Social Media:

Social media is a unique platform where everyone can raise their voice for their right and also they can negotiate with each other and also Social media plays a very vital role in globalizations. Basically, social media is using to influence conflict dynamics, like Urging the violence, the spread of propaganda, misinformation, and disinformation, requirement of armed forces, and also play important role to suppress opposition. For example: Myanmar’s military used Facebook to fuel violence against the Royhinga Muslim minority, including by spreading fake news about the harassment of Buddhist women by a Muslim man. Social media is also use by government to surveillances and arrest opposition members. Social media may also make it easier for governments to monitor and find out actual problem.

Internet Control:

Control over internet is important element of peace and security, most of the internet control access is under government which can shut down the internet entirely or restrict like (Social media pages, or messaging platform) such as Whatsapp, Twitter, and Facebook. For example: during 2021 coup Myanmar’s military forced full internet shut downs and specific limitations on social media pages and sites. During Pakistan 2024 elections the government shut down the internet to successful election peacefully.

Cell phones:

The most basic impact of cell phone on conflict comes from increased communication or interconnectivity. Researchers proved that call phones are increasing conflict and also can be used for violence and intimidation. For example: ISIS fighters used phones to set off (IED) improvised explosive devices. Cellular devices are also uses for surveillance.


Drones or Unmanned Aerial vehicles (UAVs) have built more impact on recent era, and also the aerodromes are got a specific place for security. To stable peace and security every state and non-state actors adopted these technologies. Drone has been used for reporting or surveillance in the Syrian conflict. Drones are also uses for bombing or targeting any specific area or objects.

Artificial Intelligence:

Artificial Intelligence is such type of emerging technology which don’t required human operator. If we concentrate on Israeli Artificial Intelligence weapon “Habsora” (The Gospel) is the one of the best example of robotic operating system which targets large number of civilian life in Gaza. And it has also created positive impact on human life, such as AI is the fastest research engine which can find out every possible solution of all problems.

Emerging threats:

As we know that when changes occur it may affect daily life. Let’s focus regional deterrence, like India, China and Pakistan rivalry. India is using emerging AL technologies in Indian Pacific Ocean region with the collaboration of United State of America to counter China and Pakistan. For example, India uses Al spy satellite to monitories military activities and trade in Indian Pacific Ocean. These AI capabilities are providing hegemony to India in Indian Pacific Ocean region. 

Moreover, its only affects in daily life activities, such as fake news, fake videos, and propaganda. For example: recently propaganda emerged during Israel and Iran conflict and Russia had announced if the western block participates in this conflict, it will be initiative of 3rd world war. And this step could divide the world into two blocks.

AI is also contributing in cyber security, nowadays the world brutally facing this issue. However, there are some examples of cyber security attracts.

  • Dollar tree supply chain attack.
  • Russia-Ukraine cyber war.
  • Australian port operation.

These attacks were happened because of AI emerging technologies which disturbed the world peace and security.


The emerging technologies are creating huge gaps between past era and new world. . If we concentrate on modern era world it mostly going towards digitalization such as the shifting of traditional diplomacy into digital diplomacy, traditional trade into ecommerce, and also world is interconnected with each other because of globalization.

The writer is a student of “BS International Relations” at “International Islamic University Islamabad” and a member of PYDIR.

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